Myelin Zone is a conducive space for the encounter and comparison of different artistic languages and their basic signs where our individual research converges.

Anatomical studies become a creative tool and turns into somatic poetry trough movement, images, video, sound.




Soliloquio a due                performance about the selfhood

Implied Lines                    dance video

Body to Body.                   performative exhibition

PROP                               performance about the otherhood

Soliloquio                         film adaptation



concept and dance Frey Faust, Francesca Pedullà 



Playing with proximity and distance

Training an emphatic gaze

Testing the responsiveness of spatial relationships

Finding strategies for intensified listening 

A patient constant shift between leadership and following


Link Video




dance Francesca Pedullà

music &voice Eric Acakpo


Where does it go when it sets out?

No one knows.

Where did it come from? From very near and very far.

When will it stop? If you are lucky as you live.

What is it expecting from you? Nothing or everything.



Francesca and Eric work since 20 years to create bridges between their very different cultures and perpetuate the incredible richness of the Vodun culture, in which music and the dancing body become channels for the impalpable .They research ways to make this transformative state accessible while respecting and protecting what is not sharable.

The piece tells of their journey, the patient weaving, the leaps of faith,  the burdens,  the joys,  the falls and the risings.





Out of Exhaustion

a performative learning process

Concept and performance: Manuela Martella, Francesca Pedullá

original music: Alessandro Bartolena



 A sequence in motion repeated over a long time period without variations except those dictated by the necessities inherent to the repetition itself. The sequences of movement will be chosen only a few minutes before the performance. Consequently we do not know what to expect. Neither will we improvise as we will discipline ourselves to remain faithful our choice.

Where is the creative act?

It is in the availability of the body-mind to face exhaustion, to negotiate the urgencies that will manifest and to cope with continuous and inevitable process of adaptation. In this process vulnerability is implicit, whereas  looking for authenticity is a choice.




photo: Barbara Calì