For me, Francesca acts as a model of artistic sensitivity, intellectual curiosity and intuitive knowledge. In our private mentoring sessions, the depth of her experience flows naturally as she listens carefully to all of my dreams and questions. I feel supported, understood and inspired to be myself. Since she has become a mentor I have gained confidence to believe in what I do and is guiding me to actualize my dream projects. I am very grateful for her wisdom and support.  





I began studying the Axis Syllabus with Francesca Pedulla and Frey

Faust and in June of 2017.  In the five years that followed, I have

attended many workshops with them, including two Nomadic College

Intensives.  The vigorous research involved with the Axis Syllabus has

defined my life for the past five years.

In 2020 Francesca and I began a long distance, one-on-one mentoring program.

It is difficult to define or summarize the depth of gratitude I feel

for her persistent, caring guidance.  She is a master, not just of

dance and movement, but of the craft of teaching.  She is genuinely

curious about my structure, my patterns, my limitations, and the

movement mechanics that are possible with a little study.  She seems

to enjoy the puzzle of my learning body, and how to access pathways of

movement that work in alignment with the joints and fascia as they

were designed to move.  She has opened my mind to the metrics of


I have learned to track not just the pulse of a song, but the embedded

rhythmic cycles, and to orient my phrase-work around those longer


Her enthusiasm and professionalism come together with warmth,

                                                                                                                                                                  dedication, brutal honesty, intellectual rigor, and friendship.

Francesca (and of course Frey) are among the most important teachers

of my life.  I love the person I have become through studying with

her, and I'm very curious about where this dancing inquiry will lead,

and what new performance and practice vistas will unfold through our

continued research together.

Thank you so much, Fra, for who you are and for what you give.





Since May 2020 I have been participating in Sharing Experience with Francesca Pedullà.

I arrived to the first session with a mind frazzled with fragmented ideas and inspirations. My first task was to create a resource tree that bridges the questions, skills, themes, and ideas that overwhelm me and make up my identity. Besides being an exceptional teacher, Francesca acts as a peer, friend, and a gentle guide that makes long-distance Zoom calls such a delight.

I see an immense evolution from where I started to where I am today.

Francesca helps me with my pedagogical practice, class planning, as well as my artistic approach that is inspired by identity, tradition, and the concept of Home.

Through Sharing Experience, I am able to question, analyze, and organize my teaching

methodology in a practical and artistic manner.

Planning a class has become an enjoyable learning experience that guides and grounds me enough to get creative and to improvise within the structure. The ability to weave, layer, and bridge my many curiosities and inspirations is an invaluable skill that I now apply across various domains.

Francesca teaches me sharp analytical tools that help me tackle a given subject from multiple perspectives; while honoring compassion and empathy, always.

I feel I have achieved many of my objectives and have now entered a deeper layer of aspirations.

I look forward to continuing this very rich exchange and I recommend this experience with all my might.





Ho seguito con Francesca un ciclo di 10 incontri in cui abbiamo lavorato sulle funzioni terapeutiche dei rituali della tradizione Voudoun del Benin, ma anche sulle danze, le loro caratteristiche culturali e biomeccaniche. Grazie all'enorme versatilità di Francesca, la sua intelligenza, sensibilità e conoscenze (sia corporee che culturali), siamo riuscite a spaziare tantissimo nella ricerca. 

Il lavoro con Francesca mi ha aiutato a strutturare il mio di lavoro sia per quanto riguarda la trasmissione delle danze del Benin o più in generale di matrice africana, ma anche per quanto riguarda l'applicazione di alcuni dei principi presenti in esse, a contesti dei più vari.

L'interesse e la profondità del lavoro con Francesca per me sta proprio nel continuo interrogare, indagare, guardare ad un aspetto da varie angolazioni diverse, non dandone mai nessuna per scontata. Attraverso ciò riuscire a trovare i principi essenziali che sottendono le cose e su quelli lavorare in modo da renderli linguaggio comune a tutti, al di là della cultura, la pratica, l'età e quant' altro potrebbe rappresentare uno scoglio nella comunicazione, nello scambio, nella relazione. 
